mindless drifter on the road…

Can you ever get enough Horse? The answer of course is no, maybe, well if you like The Horse how could you ever get too much.

Fu##in’ Up by Neil and the Horse simultaneously subverts record store day by making the album available to order online instead of going to the store, it also celebrates a weirdly strange low point or f’ you moment as it’s recorded at the Rivoli during a private party for some rich dude.

It’s Ragged Glory in its almost entirety which makes it a great thing anyway.

Im choosing to believe this is all deliberate in order to demonstrate the futility of independence in a world ruled by corporations where the individual is no longer valued.

Nothing on this planet sounds like Neil and the Horse. I also am about to have 3 CD’s of this in case anyone wants one.

Yes Neil is truly trying to bankrupt me.

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